Lean Six Sigma

Six Sigma is the buzzword of today’s business. The six sigma technique has helped numerous organizations in reducing deficiency / defect rate to the tune of 3.4 per million opportunities (0.00034%). Across the world, organizations have saved billions by implementing this technique. The General Electric (GE) and Motorola were amongst the first to implement this technique company wide and secure major financial gains. In India, many engineering, automotive companies, banks, telecom and I.T. organizations are reaping benefits of Six Sigma Control Charts, Process Capability, Design of Experiments, Sampling Designs, Lot-plot, Affinity Diagram and hundreds of more tools form core part of this concept. Using the tools and techniques of Six Sigma / SPC / SQC you can reduce variability in your process and can ultimately achieve the zero defect objective.

HOW SIX SIGMA CAN HELP:Six Sigma can help organizations save millions of bucks by reducing variation / defects / delays etc.

Six Sigma is needed in all types of organizations – IT, manufacturing, service sector, telecom, banking, automotive, engineering, insurance etc.

Six Sigma is useful in all type of jobs – Operations, H.R, I.T. , Marketing, Production, Quality, Finance, Logistics, Retail Banking, Telecom, BPO, Textile, Engineering, Automotive etc.

Six sigma is highly in demand

Six Sigma qualifications can significantly improve your career prospects

Finally, accreditation provides an objective system of empanelment by insurance and other third parties. Accreditation provides access to reliable and certified information on facilities, infrastructure, and level of care.

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Lean management is the management philosophy of removing waste from operations and carrying out only value adding activities. Waste is generally considered as process rejection or scrap but not in Lean Management . Lean has a far more comprehensive definition of waste. It considers anything that doesn’t add value as waste. In other words, any action, process or activity for which customer is not willing to pay is a waste. Therefore in Lean Management storage, transportation, waiting time, quality rejection, process scrap and every other thing that doesn’t add value is considered waste. Lean focuses on eliminating waste from operations. Most of the lean management concepts such as JIT, Kanban, Poka-Yoke, etc. originated in Japan especially in Toyota as part of its much famous Toyota Production System (TPS). The huge impact of Lean methodology in terms of cost reduction, productivity enhancement and employee morale has now made it a world wide popular method of business excellence not just in automotive or manufacturing industries but also in service sector.


  • Productivity Improvement
  • Cost Reduction
  • Waste Reduction
  • Waste Reduction
  • Response Time Improvement
  • Quick Changeovers
  • Reveals Deficiencies Easily
  • Multi-skilled Workforce
  • Pride in Workmanship


  • Value Stream Mapping
  • 5-S and Workplace Management
  • Predictability and Consistency
  • Changeover Time Reduction or SMED
  • TPM
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Support Process Management
  • Visual Workplace