Five Star Environmental Audit

Utilized by organizations around the world to benchmark their health and safety management systems against current best practices to support continual improvement.

The audit specification model includes five best practice indicators which are continually assessed throughout the audit process:

  • Leadership
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Risk management
  • Organisational health and safety culture
  • Continual improvement.

There is also an emphasis on an organization’s approach to wellbeing, safety culture, safety leadership and participation, behavioral safety, and how psychosocial issues are identified and controlled.

Finally, accreditation provides an objective system of empanelment by insurance and other third parties. Accreditation provides access to reliable and certified information on facilities, infrastructure and level of care.

Looking for a First-Class Business Plan Consultant?

  • Get verification and independent recognition of your health and safety management system(s).
  • Obtain a comprehensive report outlining the findings of the audit, quantified outcomes, and associated areas of improvement with detailed recommendations.
  • Improve health and safety performance, workforce morale, and wellbeing.
  • Help towards reduced rates of accidents, injuries, ill health, and litigation costs.
  • Demonstrate your success with an exclusive certificate and logo.
  • Enhance your reputation.

It is best suited to organizations that require a detailed and objective evaluation of their occupational health and safety management system(s) and associated arrangements.

The audit process assesses performance against best practice health and safety management indicators (including top management leadership and continual improvement), identifies areas of positive/negative practice, and provides a structured route for continual improvement. Our experienced and trained auditors will assess and verify your health and safety performance against the requirements of the audit specification through a process of:

  • On-site review of relevant documentation.
  • Interviews/discussions with relevant stakeholders.
  • Operational sampling.