What is Lean Manufacturing?
It is all about optimizing processes and eliminating waste and we will become more efficient.
This is a Japanese concept and in this concept, we have to find waste in our process and cut it out and the process will become lean.
It is a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continues improvement in our process.
It is methodology that focuses on minimizing waste within production systems and simultaneously it maximizes productivity.
This kind of production of goods using less of everything as compared to traditional mass production like less waste, less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investment in tools, less inventory, less engineering time to develop a new product, etc.
The milestone wise history in mentioned below:

Goals of Lean Production:
Cost reduction
Creating conditions for improving product quality
Quality first Time through
Customer satisfaction
Building in Quality at each stage
The added value of Repairs
Motivate all workers towards continuous improvement
Streamline or smooth operation flow etc..
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